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What to Do After a Car Accident

Handling a Car Accident the Right Way

So, you’ve gotten into a car accident – no one is hurt, which is great, but what do you do now? There are some important things that all drivers should do if they find themselves in a car accident to help make sure the process of dealing with the aftermath goes as smoothly as possible. Here is a list of steps you should take after getting into a car accident.

Do Not Leave the Scene

No matter whose fault the accident was, it is important to stay at the scene. Should you leave before it is appropriate to do so, especially if the accident caused serious injuries or death to one or all of the individuals involved, you could face criminal charges and be considered a hit-and-run driver.

Make Sure Everyone is Okay

Before checking the damage to your vehicle or starting the “blame game,” make sure to check on everyone involved in the accident and make sure they are okay. This includes yourself, your passengers, the other driver, and his or her passengers as well. If anyone has an injury or is unconscious, it is important to call emergency responders to deal with medical concerns. Never move people with neck injuries unless leaving them where they are causes additional danger to them.

Call the Police

Should there be significant property damage, serious injuries, or death, make sure to call the police. Once the police arrive and take down the relevant information, ask for a police report to be filed and also obtain the names and badge number of the officers who responded to the accident scene.

Exchange Insurance and Contact Information

Before leaving the scene, make sure to get the names, addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers, driver’s license numbers, and basic car insurance information from all of the drivers involved in the accident. Should there be any passengers in the vehicles, make sure to get their names, addresses, and phone numbers as well. Make sure to be cordial with the other drivers and be willing to share your information as well in order to make the exchange easy and respectful.

Contact Your Car Insurance Company

Once you have collected all the necessary information, call your car insurance company and let them know that an accident has occurred. Make sure to let the insurance agent know what happened and be honest. Also, make sure to share with him or her any injuries you may have sustained during the accident.

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